Sunday, January 26, 2020
The Mystery Of The Bigfoot Creature English Literature Essay
The Mystery Of The Bigfoot Creature English Literature Essay Bigfoot is a mysterious creature that is characteristic features very large, with feathers that cover the entire body. Bigfoot reportedly found in the regions of Canada and North America since the 19th century. In view of the trail leg is estimated weighed 400 pounds. Bigfoot is also known as Sasquatch or Skunk also sometimes called monkey. Sasquatch is a legend that circulated animals in North America. Bigfoot, which means big feet are huge creatures the remnants of ancient times. Predictably, these animals still live in snowy mountainous areas, including in the United States and the Himalayan mountains of China, and people believe these creatures can be found all over the world with the names of different, like the Yeti in Tibet and Nepal, Yeren in China and Yowie in Australia. Description Bigfoot experts suspect is a gorilla and a half men. Height two until four feet, walking upright on two feet. Fur thin gray with black head reddish. Numbered five toes, similar to humans and apes. Its weight reached 230 pounds. These animals have intelligence on the monkey, but far below the human. Bigfoot does not malignant, and even tend to shy. His face was friendly, as well as tame monkeys. These animals moved quickly away when meeting people. Viewed from the anatomy, the scientists suspected Bigfoot is Gigantopithecus animal species. This huge animal fossils are found in China. But there is also a declared Bigfoot is Homoerectus (apes walked upright). Bigfoot is considered omnivores because he ate the plants wild crops such as mushrooms, fruits, etc, fish, insects and animal flesh. Nickname Bigfoot Bigfoot named because no one had managed to see the original form. So far, people can only find traces of the giant legs. The giant footprints were first discovered a journalist from California, the United States in March 1999. That night he was driving to Oregon. In a lonely place, he stopped at a diner. Suddenly there was uproar. He ran to his car. A printed giant footprints around the car. He looked around, vaguely giant beast of about 2.5 meters tall in the middle of running the thick night. Since then the legend of Bigfoot began. There have been many kinds of names used to refer to a Bigfoot, among others: Bad Idians Mountain Devils Omaha Bushman Sasquatch Yeren Yeti (special for Bigfoot was living in Alaska who has a white fur). Footprints Bigfood Footprints of course very different from other animal footprints, because its much different characteristics, but Bigfoot footprints are very similar to human footprints, except that hers bigger Bigfoot. There have been many cases where people have found the large footprints of what are thought to be from the bigfoot. They are generally found to resemble human footprints, except they are much larger. If the footprints are not man-made for the purpose of hoaxing, then it can be assumed in many cases that the creature that made them are quite large. In 1958 and 1959, Bob Titmus found several tracks in the area of Bluff Creek, California, later to be made famous by the Patterson / Gimlin film footage. In 1988, wildlife biologist John Bindernagel found many tracks, some of them 16 inches long. Most recently, on the Science Fiction channels television show called Destination Truth, host Josh Gates found a large track in the Himalayas. Smells and Sound Many people who claim to have had close encounters with Bigfoot say that there is quite a stench associated with the creatures. The smells have been described as a cross between that of a skunk and rotting meat. In one case a man by the name of Sean Fries claimed to have such a meeting in June of 1988. He said that something woke him up one night while camping, and that when he went outside he was assailed by an unbelievable smell. He says he believes Sasquatch was nearby. Sometimes people claim to have heard the sounds of Bigfoot. They say the noises are not like anything heard in nature. Some people say that the noises are different for different geographical areas. There have also been claims made that people have heard these creatures communicating with one another with a series of whoops and chirps. People around the Himalayan Mountains are often heard roaring sound. KAPPA kappa_mummy_3.jpg In the mythology of Japans Shinto religion, there is a legend about a creature identified as the god of water. The creature called Kappa. However, unlike any other mythological creatures, this time, there are at least 4 mummy Kappa stored neatly in Japan and the Netherlands. Description Kappa story first appeared in the Nihon Shoki ancient records from the year 720 AD. In the document, Kappa called Kawa no kami. In the Edo period, Illustrations of Kappa appeared in anthologies and paintings. In 1910, Kappa started getting popularity after a story titled Tono Monogatari published. In the telling of stories about the legendary creatures, including some Kappa. But at this time, Kappa is described as more of a cartoon character with a funny character. Kappa sometimes described as an evil creature, but many legends told about Kappa as being a good and intelligent treat. If he was captured and asked to promise not to harm people again, he would keep his promise. Nickname Kappa Kappa is often identified as the god of water has a variety of titles. Another name from this creature of them is Kawataro (water boy), Kawaka, Kawaranbe, Kyuusenbou, Masunta, Mu Jima and Ningyo. Characteristics of Kappa Kappa is described as having the shape of a snake, dragon, eels or turtles. Kappa bodied like a child, faced monkey, a shell in the back, long hair and scaly skin is yellow green. Despite its size as a child, Kappa is a great strength. He dared to attack a horse and able to attract prey larger in the water. Some records say this creature can change colours like a chameleon body. This creature also has a smell like fish and hates loud and metal objects. One unique feature of the Kappa is the existence of a cavity without a cap on his head. This round cavity filled with water becomes a source of strength Kappa. Kappa can be found in lakes, rivers, springs and even the irrigation canal. The main habitat in the region spread Kappa Kyushu and Honshu river in Sarugaishi. SHORT PEOPLE (Hominid Mini) 28654_homo_floresiensis.jpg Short people are the most famous creatures in cryptozoology Indonesia. It is said that according to witnesses he had a body like an ape, but walk like a human. Unlike the American Bigfoot, the short person really fit with his name. This creature has only a high less than 1 meter. Description Short People are creatures who believe life cryptozoolgy spread in some areas such as Sumatra, Bengkulu, Palembang and Jambi. Legend of short people began to sound early 20th century. On August 21, 1915, Edward Jacobson found a set of mysterious tracks at the edge of the lake Bento, in the southeastern mountains Kerinci, Jambi Province. Guide called Mat Getoep said that traces of 5 inch long is the property of Short People. In December 1917, a plantation manager named Oostingh Short People met in a forest near Bukit Kaba. When the creature saw him, he stood up and calmly walked a few yards and then climbed into the tree and disappeared. Nickname Short People Other names often associated with short people, among others: Atu Short, Ijaoe, Sedabo, Sedapa, Sindai, Uhang Pandak, People Letjo and People Gugu. Characteristics of Short People This creature has a high only around 70 cm, surrounded by dark fur. But his face was not covered with feathers relative. Sometimes the witnesses heard strange noises coming from his mouth. At first, many researchers suspect that this creature really is a monkey or ape. But the witnesses description of the behavior and way of operation is not in accordance with the behavior of apes or gibbons. Moreover, the footprints are found suggest that these creatures are not classified into the known primates. CADBOROSAURUS dillcaddy3.jpg Cameron Lake is a popular lake located in British Columbia, Canada. The extent of approximately 4.5 km2 and the depth of about 70 meters. In the lake are living different kinds of fish such as salmon and trout. This lake does not freeze during the winter and the lake is also the tourists and residents about reports of mysterious creature that is sometimes visible to the surface. Description Many people say that the creature in the lake is cadborosaurus Cameron. Cadborosaurus is a mysterious creature shaped sea snakes. Its name is derived from Cadboro Bay in Victoria, British Columbia, and the Greek root word sauros meaning lizard or reptile. In 1937, a fisherman found the carcass of a Cadborosaurus in the belly of a pope in Cadboro Bay in Victoria. Characteristics of Cadborosaurus Cadborosaurus is said to resemble a serpent with vertical coils or humps in tandem behind the horse-like head and long neck, with a pair of small elevating front flippers, and a pair of large webbed hind flippers fused to form a large fan-like tail region that provides powerful forward propulsion. Story At that time, a woman and her father who was driving the car at the side of the lake said she saw a long black creature swimming in the lake. But the appearance of the report was not too memorable to the public until other sightings were reported on July 30, 2007. At that Bridgette Horvath was driving his car when he saw a suspicious water turbulence in the lake. He did not see any boats on the lake. So it must have been caused by turbulence in the water something. Horvath pulled over his car and walked toward the lake with camera in hand. Then, he returned to see the turmoil in the water. Without wasting time, Horvath took a picture immediately. Shaped like a snake. He said. The object was not a log, nor the waves because there is no ship at the time. In fact, you could see something like a large fish, the object was a living thing he went again. Photographs taken immediately decorate Horvath headlines-headlines in the media world. Since then, a mysterious lake creature Cameron got a name, Cammy. But according to the opinion of some other Cryptozoologyst, there is a Cammy possibility Cadborosaurus. TENGU mummy10.jpg In Japan, there are legends about a mysterious alien, which is being considered as the devil and the body is described as having half bird and half human. This creature is called by the name of Tengu. Remarkably, a Tengu mummies stored neatly in Aomori prefecture. Museum of Hachinohe in Aomori, northern Japan, is home to a supposedly Tengu mummy was originally owned by Nambu Nobuyori, Nambu clan leader who ruled Hachinohe in the mid-18th century. Tengu who has become a mummy is believed to come from the city of Nobeoka (Miyazaki prefecture) in southern Japan. Some theories say that the mummy was reached northern Japan after a passed to several family members of the ruling Japanese Samurai, until at last reached the Museum of Hachinohe in Aomori. Description Tengu mythology originated from around the 6th century AD in line with the arrival of Buddhism to Japan from China. Tengu considered a goblin who lived in the woods and mountains. They called to have such supernatural powers can be transformed into the human or animal, can talk to people without opening his mouth and capable of moving from one place to another quickly use their wings. Tengu word actually means dog heaven. In Chinese mythology, this creature has its place with the name of Tien Kou (Tiangou) which means the sky dogs. This name is not in accordance with the description of Tengu. This creature has no way as a dog, but more like a bird. Characteristics of Tengu Tengu has a human head, but has hairy legs and wings like a bird. Tengu has two physical forms. The first is called Karasu tengu who has a head and beak like a bird. The second was a Konoha tengu who has a form like men but have wings and a long nose (sometimes called Yamabushi tengu). CRISTAL SKULL mhcs01_5.gif There is a genuine American legend that says the 13 human skulls made of crystal that can talk and sing. According to legend, the crystal skull contains answers to some mysteries of the world and life. The legend also says that one day, when mankind experienced a major crisis, then the 13 skulls will be rediscovered and once again collected to provide knowledge and information vital to humanity. Story Crystal skull was first discovered in the ruins of Maya cities and buried deep in dense forests. In 1924, British explorer, Frederick Mitchell-Hedges and his colleagues are adventurous, trying to find the remains of the legend of Atlantis in Belize, Central America. One day, when they were walking through dense forest, they found a pile of rocks covered with thick grass and bushes. The rest is history. The group found a city that has long Lubaantun lost, which in Mayan language means the city tumbled stone. Throughout the excavations at the site, adopted son of Mitchell-Hedges, who called her said that she had found a skull made of crystal buried under the altar in one of the ruins of a pyramid-shaped temple. Told, when the skull was found, the Mayan workers immediately filled with a leap of joy. They immediately put the skull above the altar, ritual and dance around it. Apparently, an ancient and supernatural power has returned into the lives of these people. The skull is entirely m ade of transparent crystal. Its size just like a human skull size and very accurate in the anatomy shown with a separate jawbone. Anna Mitchell Hedges skull was found died in 2007 at the age of 100 years. He had kept the skull in his life. Anna believes that the skull had given him strength and health until she was 100 years old. Some people who have spent time with the skull was also admitted to having some strange experiences, like the sound of soft, like a humming out of the skull. And sometimes they could see flashes of images of the past and future are reflected from the skull. Surprisingly, the crystal skull of Anna Mitchell Hedges, not only crystal skull was found. Since this discovery, several other skulls had been found as foretold by ancient legends. Currently there are at least six other skeletons that are stored in museums world-renowned. All these skulls are still unknown origin. Most owners believe that the skull came from Middle America, whether it is from the Maya, A ztecs, or even interest from the period before the Maya is a mysterious tribe of Atlantis. MOTHMAN mothman.jpg On September 11, 2001, the WTC twin towers were hit by two airplanes. The twin towers collapsed, flat on the ground. All eyes of the world look at the event. Of course, these events changed the world of terrorism. However, when the collapse of the twin towers, a mysterious creature caught on camera was flying around the building. Description Mothman is the name given to a creature that was reported seen in Point Pleasant, West Virginia among 12 November 1966 until December 1967. Many witnesses stated that the Mothman is a winged creature like the moth, the size of a human high and the most prominent are the two red eyes glowing. Sometimes there are several witnesses who say that the creature had no head and eyes in the chest. Story The first testimony about the Mothman came on 12 November 1966 of 5 men who were in a local cemetery to prepare a burial ceremony. When theyre working, they realize that there is a human-shaped creature that emerged from the dark between the trees and then flew over their heads. Another report came from two pairs of young couple from Point Pleasant named David and Linda Scarberry and Steve and Mary Mallette. One night on November 15, 1966, they are traveling on the night with Scarberrys car. They passed a factory area in western Virginia named TNT. The name was given because during the Second World War, the plant was used as an ammunition manufacturing location. As they passed the area, they saw the two big red eyes in the darkness of the night near the factory gate. They stopped the car and finally realized that both the red light is a single pair of eyes belonged to a strange creature. In the description, they say, The creature has a height and shape as humans, probably about 1.8 meters tall and has wings folded on its back. The next testimony came from Couple Raymond Wamsley and Mrs. Marcella Bennett. When they were about to drive to visit their friend Ralph Thomas, they are aware of a figure appeared behind their car was parked. According to Mrs. Bennett seems the creature was lying and then slowly rose from the ground. Its looks great with a gray pair of glowing red eyes and wings folded on its back. Mrs Bennet was so frightened that she dropped the babys arms. While Wamsley phoned the police, the creature disappeared. Mothman appearance outside Ohio and Virginia that are in the UK recorded along the road near the village of Sandling Park, Kent on November 16, 1963. Four of the farmers see the animals moving from the sky and disappeared behind the trees not far from them. Because of fear, they ran, but stopped after seeing the oval of golden light floating a few feet above the field. They described the object as a UFO. Suddenly, accompanying the appearance of it, a dark shadow walked and went to the breeders. The shadow was the property of a dark black creature, as tall as humans, without a head and wings like bats. They were so scared and could not move, and then the creature vanished. EL CHUPACABRA Bg_chupacabra.jpg Description The most common testimony about the chupacabra is a creature like reptiles, have skin glaucous and flow back from the neck to tail. Height of about 1-1,2 meters and standing or jumping like a kangaroo. At least one appearance reported that he jumped as high as 6 meters. Other testimony said the creature resembled a dog / panther without fur and fangs long and smells of sulfur. History chupacabra According to the reliefs found in Europe, some researchers connect the chupacabra with gargoyles, creatures that are part of European history and associated with evil spirits. Currently chupacabra have a place in the legends of Latin society. In 2005, Isaac Espinoza spent about $ 6 million from his pocket to investigate the chupacabra. He stayed for eight months in Latin America in the woods with her team. Several times they had encounters with strange creatures like chupacabra. They filmed the creature several times and took samples of hair and skin that had obtained to the University of Texas for analysis. The result is that the creature is not of a kind known today. Report Appearance In April 2006, MosNews reported that the chupacabra seen in Russia for the first time. The report mentions the existence of a strange creature that attacks cattle and sucking their blood. The next report came from a neighboring village who said that 30 sheep were killed and their blood becomes dry. On January 2008 chupacabra reported seen in the province of Capiz in the Philippines. Some local residents believe that the chupacabra has been killed eight chickens. The owners of the chickens are seeing an animal resembling a dog that attacked his chickens. NESSIE 293.jpg Nessie is a familiar call for the Loch Ness Monster, which beings are not yet identified, is said to live on a lake in Scotland called the State Lake Loch.Nessie usually categorized as Lake Monster. This monster is one of the estimated beings purabakala can survive the extinction of the dinosaur era and there earth. Nessie also one of the mysteries of animal other than Bigfoot and Yeti Monster. Description Nessie many close relatives associated with Plesiosaur, which is kind of long-necked dinosaur that lived in water. Its including carnivorous species. Because their habitats in the water made them eat fish. Story One set of researchers from the BBC in July 2003 and arrived at the edge of Lake Loch Ness, Scotland. Their presence in the lake area of 56.4 square miles that aims to uncover the mystery that has for too long confused the public, not just the population in Scotland but throughout the world. It was a very long mystery sounds, dozens of sightings have been made the story from the mouths of witnesses, but the actual existence of a giant lake at the bottom of Loch Ness is still the enigma that is not endless. Some time, the researchers enjoy the view of reconciling the lake Loch heart. In silence, they may ask questions, there is really a giant lurking beneath the surface of the lake water? Is a giant lake that is often called Nessie really exist?. He had long been charged inhabit the lake Loch and many local residents claimed to have seen him since his first appearance around the sixth century. However, more often hide Nessie herself. Centuries passed, Nessie eventually become local le gend. The story of the legend that started back when the worlds attention on July 22, 1933, when a man named Spicer and his wife startled to see a huge creature crossed in front of them. They saw the giant long-necked creature moved toward the lake before disappearing in the thick bush on the contrary. The story of the couple is then spread rapidly, not only throughout Scotland but that all over the world. Parties interested in the story of a giant lake, Loch began offering a tempting prize for anyone who can capture the mysterious creature, living or dead. Even a tycoon, Bertram Mills offered a sum of money of Ãâ Ã £ 20,000 to anyone who caught and handed over to him. Since then, reports by successive reports made by the witnesses who claimed to come back to see the giant creature Nessie. Among them are reports of a resident named Grant, he claimed to have seen a huge creature figure at 1 am, January 5, 1934. When the area along the lake, Grant recounts seeing a large object ca me from the edge of the lake. However, these creatures then became aware of Grant and immediately headed toward the lake. Grant then rushed off the boat and motorcycle chase him, but he was only able to see the ripples on the lake after the creature dive into it. OGOPOGO 65.jpg Ogopogo is an intimate call for a lake monster named Canadas Lake Okanagan. Topics for discussion about the existence of mysterious creatures Okanagan Lake has been heard the story since 1850, where at the beginning of the year for the first Ogopogo reveal itself to the tourists and local residents. Description According to witnesses who saw it said that a creature with a large build, dark colour and has a long body shape have emerged surface water and swim down the middle of the lake. It happened in a long time, so they can be freer to observe and identify the creature. According to them, the creature is not a snake, even though few have the same shape on his body. That snake has no registration body size and all these creatures. Many people who listened to the witnesses actually booed them, maybe the creature was indeed a snake, but exaggerated the drawing figures, which became a sensational thing. Report Appearance 1872 Ogopogo appears in this year, two American tourists Mr. and Mrs. Allison is a person who reported appearance. 1947 Ogopogo again reveal itself, but its appearance at this year is remarkable because it moves toward the side of the lake to show you how to swim like a moving body, but not until a few moments later the creature back into the bottom of the lake. This incident was witnessed by at least a dozen witnesses FLYING ROD kiri.jpg Rod, sometimes referred to as fishing heaven, is a new interest in the field of cryptozoology. He is a creature who flew and spun at high speed so elusive to the naked eye. The only evidence of the rod is catching images by the camera because the cameras ability to capture a more accurate movement. Rod sightings occurred in almost all the world. Description Rod called because the shape of his body likes a stick. From the observation by the camera, it can be concluded that the long-Rod between 10 cm to 5 meters. And Rod can also control the direction of flight just like birds or insects. Rod has a body like a thin membrane like a jellyfish, including their axis bones. Some claim that Rod is the animal that has not known and probably still flying anomalocarids family. Results Appearance Recorded a pair of Rod clearly flying out of the cave. 48.jpg Rod White is flying near the tree trunk. 44.jpg Human Blue 266.jpg Legend of Blue-skinned man who was recorded in the history of Kentucky, America is a thing that interested me. Especially if associated with a variety of beliefs about the blue people from various parts of the world. Story This happened 6 generations ago, when it was a French orphan named Martin Fugate got a land grant in 1820 and moved to Eastern Kentucky area, known as the Troublesome Creek. Martin married American woman, Elizabeth Smith, who had red hair and very white skin, white as snow. Fugates family has 7 children, and 4 of them blue-skinned. This family grew in number, as fellow members of Fugates family to marry one another. Marriage between cousins is often the case, Fugates family also married with families of their neighbours. These communities live in remote areas that do not have the infrastructure. The children of blue-skinned Martin finally married to the brother of their mother. Zachariah, a blue-skinned son, married to the mothers siblings, and produce combinations of genes that 100 years later became the cause of Benjy Stacys birth with a purplish blue colour! As a family doctor was astonished at Benjys condition, they explain the story of Benjys great-grandmother, the Luna Fugate. Family says, Luna is a woman who very blue, the blue woman who ever lived. Lunas father is a Levy Fugate, son of Zachariah. Levy married a Ritchie girl and family 200 are purchased land in Ball Creek. The couple had 8 children, including Luna. A young man named John Stacy met Luna at worship weekly at a local Baptist church. Stacy Luna then married and they moved to Ball Creek. Stacy still remembers a father figure-in-law, Levy Fugate who has blue skin colour. All men from the blue-skinned were Luna family. And they dubbed The Blue Fugates. Carrie Lee Kilburn, a nurse at the hospital, recalled Home place Centred Luna and his family as the blue-skinned people. Lunas blue-skinned. Colour dark blue lips, like a bruise. Women were blue Ive ever seen . Stacy Luna has a health condition, gave birth to 13 children and died in old age, 84 years old. Luna is known as an energetic and rarely went to the clinic for treatment. Benjy Stacy was born in a modern hospital near Hazard, Kentucky, not far from Troublesome Creek. Benjy inherited the red hair colour of the mother. But, his great-grandfather of skin colour also declined her! Benjys blue skin. The doctor was surprised, but Benjys parents did not. The doctors send Benjy to be tested at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Kentucky. After 2-day inspection, found no cause for the blue colour. After a history of skin Benjys blue in the family is known, the doctors concluded that this condition decreased. However, the blue gene in Benjys body is not as strong as his great grandfather. In a few weeks, the colour of Benjys blue skin began to fade and become normal. However, in a state of anger or too cold, nail and lip colour purple Benjy. OARFISH 20081215-Oarfish3 012 sm.jpg In the past, when cars and airplanes not exist, the travellers explore the world by ship. And since then came the legendary sea monsters extraordinary. Do these monsters really exist? or just a fantasy of a drunken sailor? Although science cannot determine with certainty the identity of these monsters, but at least there are some prime suspects who could be considered. This is one of them, Regalecus Glesne or Oarfish. Description These fish belong to the category of rare and very seldom seen. So rare that the fish is never caught camera alive until the year 2001. He belongs to the family who has Regalecidae four species. One species, Regalecus Glesne, were talking about this, never entered into the Guinness Book of World Records because it has found that living with a body length up to 11 meters. The food is plankton and sea creatures small. He was able to live to a depth of 1000 meters. Strangely, this fish has no scales. His body was covered only by a kind of membrane, called guanine. This fish has a red single fin and includes a loner fish. However, when these fish are sick or dying, like the loner is not want to die in loneliness. So he climbed into the top surface of the sea and stay there until death. Maybe they want to attract the attention of the sailors, or just want to look at the sun for the last time. Oarfish.jpg
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Riding the Winds of Change
If I had to choose two of the best traits that I have as a person, it would be my determination and my ability to cope quite well with transition. There had been a point in my life that these traits had been put to the test. It happened when I transferred from a liberal studies program in Florence, Italy into a communications program in New York City. When I made this shift, I really felt the pressure of struggling to be independent. Living life when you have no one to depend on but yourself is hard to imagine. It is even harder to do. Nonetheless, it is only one of the many challenges I had to deal with as it is but a part of the greater demands of growing up and learning lifeââ¬â¢s lessons. All things considered, I had to say that I certainly felt more like an individual than I ever did when I was in Florence. For this, I would always take pride in going through that change in my life and successfully overcoming the obstacles which came my way. I somehow see myself in the character of Frederick Tubb. Otherwise known as Bootie, he is one of the characters in Claire Messudââ¬â¢s novel entitled The Emperorââ¬â¢s Children (Messud 160). He is the nephew of Murray Thwaite. He was an idealistic college dropout who was resolved leave a mark of his own. He came to New York City to do just this. He was bound to significantly change the lives of the characters in the story in a way that no one ever though would be possible. He was able to shatter the foundations of those who seemed to have carefully secured their positions to be on top of the world. The moment the worlds of the most successful people have collapsed, they were left with nothing but the wreckage of the material heaven they have traveled great lengths to build. The only thing that was left to do work on their individual self-redemption and brave the challenges ahead armed with an enlightened heart and soul as a result of knowing what really matters in life. Whenever lifeââ¬â¢s circumstances seem to pull all your defenses down, it is but natural to feel devastated. When you have defied seemingly impossible odds just to prove your self to the rest of the world, it is heartbreaking to one day wake up and learn that all of your hopes and dreams for the future have already crumbled. Just when you thought that tomorrow will bring bountiful blessings, sometimes it presents the worst events you can not even dare to imagine. When enjoy all the comforts in life that the average individual can only hope for, there is no guarantee that your life will never take a drastic turn for the worst. Times are there when success is within reach today but it is some thing which is next to impossible the following day. But life is really hard even for those who are more fortunate than the others. Come to think of it, how do we really measure success? Does it only translate to material wealth? Personally, I do believe that it does have to be so. The real essence of success for me goes beyond the comforts of life that money can buy. Success can also be measured by how far one has tested his or her limits. When one has gathered enough strength to leave his or her comfort zone and start all over again giving another shot at life, the positive outcome of such an endeavor would spell success. I may not own riches to the point that my neighbors would envy the life that I live but I had to say that I have tasted the sweetness of success in the span of my existence. My claims to fame my fail in comparison to certain people but I know what it feels like to be on top of the world. The moment I made one of the greatest transitions I ever did in my life, I must admit that I had my own share of fears and uncertainties of what lies ahead. However, my determination and ability to manage changes saw me through. Indeed, it was one of the most successful endeavors I have ever embarked on my lifeââ¬â¢s journey.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Life After King Lear Argumentatice Essay Topics
Life After King Lear Argumentatice Essay Topics The End of King Lear Argumentatice Essay Topics Your readers have already constructed barriers against everything that isn't in sync with their own thinking or whatever is new. As a writer, you have the choice of narrowing the reach of your paper. Ultimately, towards the conclusion of your conclusion, you can reflect on the way the essay compares to something else such as modern occasions or the future. Something to consider especially with this type of essay is you have a significant little more leeway and options in regards to really writing it as opposed to other varieties of essays you could have written before. If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on King Lear Argumentatice Essay Topics Even though it is possible to write nearly any sort of essay for virtually any topic, your professor may require a specific approach. You may also decide on any latest research work that's a little controversial to allure the r eaders to compose argumentative essay. Consequently, students may develop different thesis for unique themes to compose essays on hamlet. As an example, let's say if you're writing about language history essay than you are going to have to incorporate all of the information regarding the history language on earth no matter any specific region while in specific language history essay, you would speak about history of the language of a specific region. There are 9 essay types, each with certain advantages that will display your topic in a particular way. When the writer gets familiar with the topic they have the ability to piece together their findings that most represent the use of the paper. A prosperous introduction can give a review of the information which the readers will be receiving in the essay. The principal idea of your entire essay is going to be your thesis statement. 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Following are a few of the advised sociology essay topic for those students that are unable to choose a great topic for their assignment. Therefore, either you would like to learn more about how to compose an essay, or you desire some essay writing services or even in the event you would like to go through some sample essays, then just refer to WritingBest and all of your requirements will be fulfilled once possible. An essay may have a lot of intentions, but the fundamental structure of all sort of essays will be same. An academic essay based on argument will need a topic which should be on a matter of controversy that isn't only interesting to you, but to your readers. The Tried and True Method for King Lear Argumentatice Essay Topics in Step by Step Detail When digging via your subject, you must start looking into opposing views. Argumentative essay ought to be concluded by creating a reassertion of your position. An opinion article isn't an exception. When it is argument ative or informative essays, you must develop a topic that may grab the interest of the reader right away and this isn't such an easy job. You need to start by letting the reader understand what you hold as true about the subject. Below you'll find certain instructions about how to compose an argumentative essay on any topic, which is well written and are going to have very good opportunity to have a good grade. Strong language and robust evidence are expected to make the readers agree on what's being said by the writer in the whole essay. There's a big possibility that you come out the task a specialist in the topic. When selecting a definition, bear in mind that there are plenty of kinds of ethical arguments and that the direction you argue for your specific claim depends in large part on how you define your terms. Be both a useful guide through complex difficulties and an informed judge when choices have to be made. One of the greatest methods to select your topic is to f ind one which you are in possession of a strong opinion about. Please remember that the next examples only represent a small part of the distinct ethical arguments that philosophers have made throughout time. You've got to present the whole concept in there. The very first portion of making this kind of argument is usually establishing that we have a tendency to care about and sympathize with different humans. Quite simply, an ethical argument tries to prove that a particular issue is either morally right or wrong.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Impact On Performance And Productivity In Dbs Banks Business Essay - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 8 Words: 2453 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Management Essay Type Narrative essay Did you like this example? In the management research project, it focuses to investigate on the impact of motivation on performance and productivity of staffs in DBS Bank Customer Centre which is their call centre. It views on the challenges faced by the call centre agents which often results in low morale and negative psychological effect on staffs. Motivation is one area in an organisation that has no right or wrong practice and it will either have a positive or negative results depending on the mentality and quality of employees. It may act as driving factor towards positive or negative performance and productivity of staffs which varies from individual to individual. To bring out the best in the staffs willingness on completing a task and broaden their skill set to enhance their capabilities depends on how well the motivation plan is being carried out by the organisation. To end the report, recommendations and conclusion are to be made in order for improvements on the current situ ation. This will be done with inter-linking some of the motivation theories and research on the factors causing the problem. Company and Organisation Background Back in 1968, was the early years since Singapore gain its independence, a medium was needed towards Singapores economic development and DBS Bank Ltd was founded and recognized at Development Bank of Singapore. To date, the bank has successfully turned itself into a strong and stable financial institution with a wide and comprehensive range of financial products and solutions to reach customer needs. DBS Bank is committed to empowering, educating and engaging its people to further achieve the companys performance. DBS Bank Ltd is a big company and the organisation that is focused on is their Customer Centre which is their call centre. DBS Bank Customer Centre has evolved to be one of the most competitive call centre in Singapore. The focus of DBS Bank Customer Centre is mainly on customer service and motivatin g their staffs to keep up with performance and productivity is a challenge due to the nature of environment of the job which can easily pull down its staffs with low morale and negative psychological effect. 1.2 Problem statement As of current, staff selection has not been the root causing problem because the customer centre has a strict and comprehensive selection model which eliminates job seekers without the needed basic capabilities. Refer to illustration 1 to have a visualisation on the flow of their recruitment process for customer service officer. Illustration 1 Flow chart of DBS Bank Customer Centre recruitment process So if the staff selection is not the root causing problem of staffs performance and productivity, then it points towards the direction of staffs motivation which might be driving their willingness to work and having positive customer service attitude. 1.3 Rationale Selection Motivation is not the only way to bring up performance and product ivity but it is one of the way possible to implement and acquire results. The question here is, how can it be implemented and how effective will it be? Motivation in definition as the process that account for an individuals intensity, direction and persistence of effort towards attaining a goal. (Robbins Judge, 2012). From here, is the reason for the selection of topic on motivation as one of the key factor towards positive results of performance and productivity. The author is a member of the workforce management team for DBS Bank Customer Centre and by deciding to do a research on this is beneficial towards the author in terms of further understanding and finding out the impact of motivation on performance and productivity of the human capital in the centre. 1.4 Objective Research Questions The objective of this report is to identify how can an effective motivation plan of an organisation can have an impact on staffs performance and productivity which may lead to und erstanding staffs job satisfaction which may be another topic. To stay focus and aligned to the report objectives, this report will research on motivation theories and inter-linking them to the potential root-causing problems in the organisation and the following research objective in point form: To find out if western motivational theories can be applied to DBS Bank Customer Centre. To identify the origin causing problems of negative customer service performance and productivity. To discover the potential solutions to improve customer service performance and productivity. Literature Review Introduction It is a heavy challenge to motivate and retain staffs in an environment of constant uncertainties. (Mitchel, 1982). Current market and economic conditions, topped with highly aggressive business situations sets a highly energetic and unpredictable working environment. Thus, improving methods on planning and implementing motivation program by DBS Bank customer cen tre towards their staffs is inevitable to achieve improvements on customer service performance and productivity. In terms of motivation, the range of literature review available in books, online and offline is huge. One of the books that is first reviewed by the author for this report is Essentials of Organizational Behavior, Eleventh Edition by Stephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2012). There are three key elements in terms of motivation and they are intensity, direction and persistence (Robbins Judge, 2012). Intensity is considered as quality of efforts. Direction is how the efforts are directed, towards and aligned with organisations and companys target. Persistence is a dimension that measures the time frame that an individual can maintain effort. A highly motivated individual can focus on a job long enough to attain the goal. Under the subject of organisational behavior, topic of motivation is part of it. It covers the study of organisations from multiple view points, methods and level of analysis into three perspective; modern, symbolic and post modern (Robbins, 2004). The survival of an organisation and for it to be effectively and efficiently functioning draws down to the needs of different types of motivation practice for different types of staffs behavior is very important (Bauer Erdogan, 2009). The rationale of this literature review is due to four reasons: The importance of motivation in customer service industry. The level of impact of staff motivation on organisation performance. Evaluation of earlier theories and modern motivational theories that can be used to motivate staff. Review best motivation practice that impacts performance and productivity. Importance of Motivation and its Impact on Performance Individuality and intricacy can be the terms to be used to categorise motivation. It is a must for managerial policies and strategies to be opened and out of the box way of thinking to tackle the motivation rela ting to individual staff (Mathis Jackson, 2008). Interrelation between motivation and performance is inevitable which results in staff the performs better due to motivation. Profitable organisation comes from productive staffs and in order for them to be productive, they have to perform better and that can be due from motivation. Motivation can be either intrinsic or extrinsic. Happiness, fulfillment, satisfaction and the sense of achievement falls under intrinsic whereas rewards, penalty, punishment and goal accomplishment falls under extrinsic. A better reward system is something that DBS Customer Centre can look into as a motivating factor as well as staff recognition. The force that moves or shifts the performance of an organisation points towards motivation of staffs. The factor that differentiates an organisation from another is their human capital. Human capital, the staffs, is not an object or rather things, policies, processes or structures that can be copied or dupl icated from one organisation to another. Poor rewards system and motivation practices often succumbed in high turnover rate and this is not regarded as a positive outcome because present routines will be disrupted and this will have an alternating disadvantage in performance. The opposite of motivation is demoralisation. Demoralisation is easier to succumb to and it can have a viral effect from one staff to another. Continuous motivation and rewarding performing staff is one of the effective methods to retain them (Heracleous, 2003) Motivation is a must in order to uphold optimum level of ingenuity and inventiveness in staffs and it is very important to sustain a diamond-like quality of performance to motivate excellent service (Kreitner and Kinicki, 2010). Motivation Theory The theoretical basis of research studies on motivation which have been undertaken by industrial psychologist and behavioral experts, draws from schools of management discourse of modern motivation t heory (McGregor, 1960; Hofstede, 2001; Maslow, 1954). Motivation theory is classified into two sections: Content Theory Contemporary Theory Content Theory Discovering what actually motivate individuals. Example theories like Maslows (Hierarchy of Needs), McCellands (Theory of 3 Needs) and Herzbergs (Two Factor Theory). Maslows (Hierarchy of Needs) Maslow hypothesized that within every individual, there exists a hierarchy of 5 needs: Physiological, Safety, Social, Esteem and Self-Actualization (Robbins Judge, 2012). The lower needs are Physiological and Safety needs and the higher needs are Social, Esteem and Self-Actualization needs. The difference between the lower needs and higher needs is that lower needs can be fulfilled by external factors like salary and tenure, the higher needs can only be fulfilled by internal factors which is within the individual. Illustration 2 Maslows Hierarchy of Needs McCellands (Theory of 3 Needs) McCellands theory of n eeds focuses on three needs (Robbins Judge, 2012): Need for Achievement The drive to excel, achieve and succeed in relation to ordinary goals. Need for Power The need to command or make others behave in a certain way. Need for Affiliation The need for sociable, friendly and close interpersonal relationship. Herzbergs (Two Factor Theory) Herzbergs (Two Factor Theory) believes that individuals relationship to work is basic and that attitude towards work can very well conclude success or failure (Robbins Judge, 2012). Contemporary Theory Represents the current state of thinking in explaining staffs motivation. Example theories like Goal-Setting Theory, Equity Theory and Expectancy Theory. Goal-Setting Theory When goals are made specific, accepted by staffs even though it is tough and feedbacks are welcome, it may points towards the direction of increase performance. The contingency planning in goal-setting theory is deciding on public goal is better, making simple and familiar task characteristics and the national culture. Goal settings has positive outcomes but some goals may be too effective (Latham Locke, pp332-340). It views behavior as an environmental cause and ignores the inner-self of staff and stresses strongly on what had happened and what is going to be done. Unclear job expectation will most likely result in tendency from staffs to reduced their efforts to attain the preferred behavior. Equity Theory This theory was developed by J. Stacey Adams. Staffs see and compare their input-output ratio with the input-outcome ratio of relevant others. The relevant others that the staff decides to compare with adds on to the complexity of Equity Theory (Goodman, 1974, pp170-195). It causes staffs to believe that relationship is unbiased if ratios are balanced. If ratio is biased then there is an existence of unfairness and unhappiness is inevitable. Illustration 3 Equity Theory Expectancy Theory This th eory is by Victor Vroom. Expectancy Theory is one of the most accepted elaboration of motivation, even with the existence of critics on this theory, most evidence supports it (Vroom, 1964) It stresses on three relationship: Effort-Performance Relationship Exerting a given amount of effort will lead to performance. Performance-Reward Relationship Performing at a particular level will lead to the achievement of a preferred result. Rewards-Personal Goals Relationship The magnetism of the potential rewards for the individual. This theory states that the force of a predilection to do something in a certain way is directly related with the force of the potential or the rewards that are anticipated from the steps taken (Geoff Drucker, 2005). Illustration 4 Expectancy Theory Limitations and Integrating Western Motivation Theory into Asian Culture Since the development of most motivation theories arises from the west, mainly from Great Britain and United States o f America. Most likely it might be based and set upon the cultural settings from the west and it might not be applicable in a practical manner towards Asia and the rest of the world (Adler Gundersen, 2008; Robbins Judge, 2004; Hofstede 2001) Many aspects of organisation motivation theory that is developed in one culture may not be totally applicable towards another culture (Adler Gundersen, 2008). Each organisation has their own culture and culture is the factor that will partially directs on the behavior of how an organisation moves and staffs behavior. In DBS Bank Customer Centre, it practices more on chain reaction strategy. In another words, it is practicing the organisation behavior which is not self-centered but team focused. A practice that harmonize one anothers work instead of contradicting, towards the goal. This can be seen as a similar concept from Taoist philosophy called the, Ying and Yang (Lopez, 2004). In DBS Bank Customer Centre, a collective behavior is a norm where esteem needs and social needs seems to overrule self-needs and self actualisation (Hofstede, 2001; Robbins Judge, 2012). Individual goals seems less important compared to team harmony. Similarities within jobs scope does not mean there are not differences in the understanding of what is being received from the job (Shenker, 1991). The western motivation theory like Maslows (Theory of Needs), McCellands (Theory of 3 Needs) and Herzbergs (Two Factor Theory) may not necessary apply to all culture. Maslows theory, provided no experimental confirmation and several studies that sought to authenticate the theory found no support for it (Lawler III Suttle, 1972, pp265-287) There is little evidence that need structures are prearranged along the dimension by Maslow. Herzbergs theory, has not been well supported in literature and to top of it off, it has many detractors (House Wigdor, 1967, pp369-389). The procedure Herzberg used is limited by its methodology. Example : People take credits for themselves when things are good and well but on the perversely, on an extrinsic situation, they fault failure. The consistency of the methodology is uncertain where raters have to make interpretations and this might taint the findings by interpreting one answer in one way while treating a similar answer in a different way. McCellands theory, might have the best research support among the early western theories of motivation but sadly it has less realistic outcome compared than the rest of the western theories of motivation. McCelland states that the three needs are subconscious (Robbins Judge, 2012). The process is time consuming and expensive. Staffs were seen as objects, just like another contribution into the production line of goods and services but this was before Hawthorne studies which was conducted by Elton Mayo during 1924 to 1932 (Dickson, 1973) and this tremendously changed on how it was though. The study resulted with findings that staffs are not only moved by monetary rewards, their behavior has a linkage to their attitudes (Dickson, 1973) Since then, the needs and motivation of staffs started to be as the primary focal point of managers which is term as human relations approach to management (Bedeian, 1993). Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Impact On Performance And Productivity In Dbs Banks Business Essay" essay for you Create order
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